Brewery Finder

CLI app for finding breweries based on location and user criteria. Collaborated with Devin - @darnold001 on this project.

> Installation

  1. Clone our repo into the directory where you want the app
  2. If you have bundler, run a bundle install in the root folder of the app to instal images/projects
  3. Open up terminal and run the environment running ruby config/environment.rb
  4. Have fun!

> Demo

Welcome Menu
  • Create user or hit database for existing user

Welcome Menu

User Menu
  • Access to Favorites menu
  • Ability to look up brewery by city or name

User Menu

Favorite menu
  • Ability to see favorite breweries
  • Lets you query API for up to date information on brewery
  • Allows you to delete a brewery from database linked to current user
  • Allows you to delete ALL breweries from both:
    • the database linked to the user
    • the associated brewery table

Favorites Menu

API Brewery Query
  • Built method to accept user input and query API for information using either:
    • City
    • Name of brewery
  • After query user is prompted with the choice to save to favorites list

Brewery Query Add To Favorites Prompt

> Model

    | User |>----------| Favorite Brewery |----------<| Brewery |

> Technologies

  • Ruby - High-level language
  • Sqlite3 - open-source relational database management system
  • Open Brewery DB - API for brewery information

MIT License