
You can reach me at: rikrdo.ortega@gmail.com

> Bio

Hello! I’m a software developer recently graduated from Flatiron Schools and is looking for a job in the Denver area. I enjoy losing track of time coding, playing games, climbing things, and long walks on the beach.

> Full Bio

Hello again! So, I was born and raised in Venezuela and I came to the US when I was 14 years old. Not knowing how to speak english very well, I somehow made my way through high school. But eventually I finished school, made some friends, and was actually able to picture living in the US instead of constantly wanting to go to my country/.

The next step was to move on to college to pursue a career. It was quickly obvious that it wasn’t working out, I dropped out of college after a year and I assumed that I didn’t have an aptitude for Computer Science – even though the reason I dropped out was because I never went to class and spent all my time playing intramural sports, partying, and playing WoW. Little did I know, Computer Science was definitely the right choice, just the wrong time in my life.

I ended up working at a supermarket, and I hated it, so I went back to college and actually graduated this time around, with a double major in Psychology and Modern Languages. I thought I was on the right path… Fast forward a few years. I bounced from job to job, tried different professions, tried working indoors, outdoors, full-time, seasonal jobs, even managed to stay at a couple for almost two years… But so far, I only found happiness in hobbies: video games, camping, climbing, hiking, anime, travelling the world, etc.

Eventually, I stumbled into coding. My brother did a career switch through a code school so after trying to learn it out on my own, I decided it was time to join a bootcamp as well and give it a real shot. Now, I’ve found a passion for coding and can’t wait to keep growing professionally, keep problem solving and face the many challenges ahead.

Thanks for reading!